Monday, June 16, 2008

So I have been told...

...that one should not blog more than once in a day because it discourages people from reading old posts. But given that my readership is basically at one, I am ignoring that rule.

This post's theme is about the deflated feeling I get when there are two many concurrent problems that I cannot solve. I am a type-A personality (some would say an A+++personality) and so I abhor sitting around. I am, at the heart of it, a problem solver. I am also fairly good at recognizing when problems are somebody else's to solve (ok, ok, I am working at being fairly good at it) and backing away.

But then there are the times when it is my problem, but I do not have the skills or knowledge to fix the problem and it is therefore in somebody else's hands. That is when I should pass over the responsibility and go on to the next thing. But usually I just end up feeling defeated.

So although I have a lot of productive work that I could be doing right now, instead I am poking around the web looking for someone or something to entertain me. But, one of the other bonus features of this state of mind is a short attention span. So reading an actual (short) blog post feels too hard.

This state of mind then creates a lovely feedback loop of misery. God, I just so love Mondays.

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