Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Procrastination is making me wait...

Some days I am totally on the ball. Other days I dodge my work by...doing other work. Ok, I know that may not seem like true procrastination, but trust me, it is.

I tend to have a long to-do list and if I were honest with myself, I would know that I could never get through it. However there are days when I make an honest attempt and days when I look around and try to find anything else to do. Today was one of those latter days.

But, sometimes accomplishment happens despite our best efforts. While writing this blog post I closed the loop on something I have been working on for MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!! This is a big deal.

So, I guess I will get away with today's slacking and call it good. And as an added bonus, I just struck a I have no idea what I was going to say there. I got distracted several times and lost my train of thought.

Oh wait, I remember now. I struck a deal where I get to go home soon and bake a lot because tomorrow is one employee's last day and two employees' first day. Go me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for baking. It sounds like the stuff you baked were really ummy.