Monday, June 16, 2008

The pendulum of life

note to self: referencing songs, however obliquely in posts will create an instant ear worm.
(For those of you who don't immediately get the reference, look here).

Given that my Grand Business Scheme (GBS) has been in operation for 19 months, you would think that I would be used to the unpredictability of my days. But nope. That is not the case at all.

This morning I woke up from a somewhat disturbing dream where I was steadfastly refusing to participate in the taking of graduation photos. The thing is, I haven't been in school for 11 years and I have never been particularly resistant to graduation photos. I might think this was a variant of my usual school anxiety dream (in which I realize on the day of the final that I have forgotten to go to Spanish class all semester), but that doesn't feel quite right.

While in the shower, I went from musing about the meaning of my dream to thinking about how I wanted to narrate my presentation for Ignite Portland. Then I started drafting blog posts in my head. Then everything got shot to hell.

Our network was reconfigured a bit Friday night and seemed to work when we all groggily wandered out at 11:30 (after having arrived at work at 6:45 am). Nothing weird or amiss happened Saturday, but apparently it was just waiting to leap upon us on Monday morning.

Most of us are fine. But we new users can't authenticate to the network. And we can't configure our phones. So, once again, Monday is devouring my soul.

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